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The team at Peter Pan Pre-School are extremely proud to hold a good Ofsted grade. Please see below some key points from our last report. 

  • The staff have strong relationships with the children and their families. They dedicate time to get to know children prior to them joining the setting. This enables them to plan activities that follow the child's interests and experiences. They understand the importance of working together with parents and sharing the learning journey so that children can reach their full potential. Staff are excellent role models and children demonstrate kind behaviour towards each other. They encourage the older children to help and look after the younger children during activities. Children are prepared well for their next stage of learning. They enjoy participating in a wide range of physical activities and have use of several outside spaces, including a large field. The parents speak very highly of the setting, referring to it as a pre-school that goes 'above and beyond' and a place where 'nothing is too much trouble'. They are included in lots of activities and the setting offers a lending library and creative activities for the parents to share with their children at home. The curriculum is varied and the staff plan activities to excite and challenge the children. The children enjoy lots of baking and recently had a yoga session with an outside provider.

The manager works closely with the parents to ensure that children settle quickly into the setting. She provides a six-week settling-in period, where the parents can really get to know the key person and share their children's interests prior to them starting.


 Parents report that they feel included in the setting. They are invited on trips with the children. They recently went apple picking at a local farm and are due to visit Father Christmas soon. The setting shares next steps for the children during parents' meetings and regularly during drop-off and pick-up. As the setting has a small staff team, all staff know the children well and parents can speak to any member of staff in the absence of the child's key person.


The children enjoy participating in lots of exciting and challenging activities. The setting has a vast selection of resources which are easily accessed independently by the children throughout the day. The role-play area is adapted regularly to follow the interests of the children. It is currently a hospital due to the recent experiences of one of the children. They discuss x-rays and the children learn how to use doctor's equipment, such as stethoscopes.

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